Monday, June 21, 2010

Midwifery School Fall 2010

About a week ago the midwifery school of my choice emailed me to ask if I would be signing up for my last prerequisite coming up at the end of this Summer and also if I intend to start the three year midwifery program with the 2010 Fall cohort. My stomach flip-flopped and my heart raced. My smile got way too big for my face and I'm sure my eyes were huge as I started at my computer screen. How to answer? What to say? My first response was a definite "Yes! All of it! Sign me up!" and my second was "How the heck am I going to come up with all that money?" I mean, I can make the time commitment. I can do the work. I can attend births as an apprentice, be sleep deprived, do the research, write my papers, be engaged in the on-line classroom, and still balance my family, my partner, and (hopefully) my sanity...but it's really the financial part that gets me. Michelle says, don't worry and there are plenty of ways to get the money for school especially since I am close to being considered a single mother of two young kids with hardly any income to speak of. Sure, I get paid for my work as a doula, but at this point it's not a living wage. It's enough to get groceries, gas and pay a bill occasionally. It will also be a lot easier to get financial assistance once this school is accredited, which will hopefully be soon. I have already met the woman who started the school when I attended the Midwifery Today conference last year in Eugene, Oregon. I actually stayed on her son's couch for those three nights and he and his housemates were VERY sweet and welcoming to me. At that conference I also spoke with one of the women who decides who gets into the midwifery program and she said to just complete my application and do the interview and she was sure I would get in. These things make me quite hopeful that somehow it will work out.

I emailed the school back and told them that I intend to do both; my last prerequisite and start the midwifery program in the Fall. The registrar emailed me back the same day with the list of things I needed to complete in order to apply for the program. I need: two letters of recommendation (that I just sent off to two wonderful and supportive women in my life who agreed to fill out the form), proof of high school graduation (easy), to write a personal essay about why I want to become a Certified Professional Midwife in around 1500 words, to upload a recent picture of myself, and last but not least, complete a 15-30 minute admissions interview over Skype. It all sounds quite doable. I'm thinking I should start on my essay today. Maybe Michelle would do a photoshoot for me so I can get some good recent pictures of myself? I would love to do a photoshoot on one of the beautiful days around here. We have so much beauty on the property with the mountains in the background, the stream, the open in front of our fireplace could be really pretty too.

It's fun and scary at the same time to get this ball rolling. I want to be a midwife so badly! I know this is going to take huge commitment and I understand the enormity of it all. It's one thing to know or think I know what it will be be like and it's another to live it and do it. I believe I have the drive and the passion to see it through. So I'm calling in all the abundance I need to make it happen; health (physical, emotional, and mental), family and friend support, financial, and time. I'm focusing on all of these areas. I will have the abundance I need to persevere and live my dreams. Midwifery school, here I come!


  1. I believe you have the drive and the passion to see it through too Hayley. In fact, I know that you do. It's bound to be tough, but you've conquered mountains before. This is just one more mountain...and it is no match for you, my friend.

    I love you and I'm rooting for you all the way :)


  2. You have my complete support. I saw your boys at Uncle Ronnie's birthday wow, I can't believe how much they have grown up! I really missed you there! :( I know you can find the time for everything that is important in your life! Never give up on any of it just to make someone else happy. I don't believe in turning my back on family, we will all find our way, one way or another.
    I love you
